Monday, June 27, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was perfect! I did pretty much nothing and it was exactly what I needed. Saturday evening found my entire family relaxing at the pool. We had a great time playing "dibble dabble" and just laughing with each other. Sunday we went to Mass where Deacon Bill completely blew the church away with his homily about The Blessed Body and Blood of Jesus. It was one of the best homilies I have heard in a really long time - no joke! After Mass the family went out to lunch with another family from church and we had a wonderful time cracking jokes and hanging out.

First for me: I gave blood for the first time ever this weekend. I have never had high enough iron but this time I did. YAY! It was not nearly as traumatic an experience as I thought it was going to be. Of course, my perception was probably a little bit tainted since my wonderful brother decided to tell me blood donation horror stories for the entire hour leading up to the event. Things like nurses jabbing the needle completely through the vein and shredding it...Thanks bro! Top it off with me being a person who has to run out of the room at the sight of someone bleeding.... I can't even handle loose teethe. I mean really? why was I giving blood again? It could have ended badly. But, VERY surprisingly, all went well. I now have a small hole in my arm to prove it. :)

A wonderful weekend was continued today when after work the family went out to eat to celebrate my dad's birthday. Then back home for cake and presents. I just love family time!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! You are an amazing role model and I love you so much! :)

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