Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I am reminded today about the importance of continually educating ourselves in the practice of our faith. During my lunch break today I was having a very casual conversation about life outside of work with the coworker who shares a cube with me. I mentioned that I was Catholic and that I try to go to church as close to every day as possible. He commented on how nice that was and the conversation moved on. I thought nothing of it.

Well 2pm rolls around and my coworker (let's call him Joe) approaches me pretty randomly and starts asking me all about confession and the Catholic beliefs behind it. It caught me completely of guard. I tried my best to explain it and the conversation continued from there. We covered everything!! Mary, the saints, confession, the priesthood, the trinity (specifically the Holy Spirit and the charismatic gifts of the Spirit), marriage, the bible, forgiveness, salvation, and the Eucharist.  AND...For the majority of the conversation he was whole-heatedly agreeing with me. How beautiful the truth is!

The Lord is truly magnificent and the Holy Spirit can work wonders. All we have to do is be open to Him moving in our lives. I was totally unexpecting and totally unprepared for the conversation I had this evening. He chose me to be a vessel for His work anyways. Not only myself but Joe as well. There were times in the conversation that I didn't have all the answers and God chose to use Joe to stretch me also.

This conversation also solidifies in me the fact that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ meant to be united in the one Body of Christ. It is not natural for there to be so many factions and splits within His children. I think it is so important for all of us to be open to listening to others beliefs because it is only through listening that we can have a peaceful dialog with other faiths. And it is only through dialog that people will be open to hearing the wonderful truth we have to share with them.

Praise Jesus for amazing opportunities to be vessels of His love!! :)

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