Thursday, July 21, 2011

The End of an Era

"Having fired the imagination of a generation, a ship like no other, it's place in history secured, the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time. It's voyage, at an end."

Not going to lie, I cried while watching this today. You never realize how much you treasure something until it is taken from you. I have dreamed of being an astronaut and flying the space shuttle since I was little. It was a dream I had abandoned for my greater desire of being a wife and mother. Yet, somehow today it felt like my dreams were being stripped from me. I guess I always held on to that hope that maybe, someday, God's plans for my life would lead me in that direction. So today as the space shuttle is laid to rest, so too are my hidden dreams of piloting that same shuttle.

I think the words of the Commander Ferguson and Mission Control capture the mood and feelings of so many around the world, including myself.

Commander Ferguson: "Mission complete, Houston. After serving the world for over 30 years, the space shuttle found it's place in history. It's come to a final stop."
Mission Control: "We copy your wheel stop and we'll take this opportunity to congratulate you, Atlantis, as well as the thousands of passionate individuals across this great space-faring nation who truly empowered this incredible spacecraft which for three decades has inspired millions across the globe. Job well done America."
Commander Ferguson: "Hey, thanks. Great words. Great words. You know the space shuttle has changed the way we view the world and has changed the way we view our universe. There's a lot of emotion today but one thing's indisputable, America is not going to stop exploring. Thank you Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Endevour, and our ship Atlantis. Thank you for protecting us and bringing this program to such a fitting end. God Bless all of you. God Bless the United States of America."
 I mourn the loss of such a wonderful and iconic program but I also look forward to what the next generation of space exploration will bring.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life Updates

Well hello there! It has been a while..
In my absence from the blogospehere many things have happened so enjoy the updates. :)

1) My internship at Bellicopter (as my friends like to call it) is now half way done. The saying is absolutely true. Time flies (no pun intended) when you are having fun!! I am thoroughly enjoying my internship. I won't go into the nitty gritty details of what I am working on for sake of your mental clarity, just know that I am being challenged and I am loving it. I have a project that is pretty much my own and looks like it is going to take up the entirety of the summer. This is almost unheard of when you are an intern. Thanks to this project assignment I am being treated like a full time employee and I am making some great connections that will benefit me in the future. I am even getting to tell some full timers what to do!! As an intern! :D I LOVE IT!

2) I had the privilege of witnessing the beautiful wedding of Stephanie and Christopher Lafitte. These two are a wonderful example of what it means to live out Christ's love in the world. They inspire me.

3) This past weekend will now be summarized in pictures - because it is more fun that way! :)
HP7 Part 2 Premeire - The whole gang.
The House of Black

Sibling Pic!

Aggie Awakening 92 Rocked! It was flawless.

I finally stopped at the Aggie barn on Highway 6 and took pictures. I have always wanted to and this was probably my last opportunity. Yay!

Class of 2011 W1-1OOP!

God blessed our drive home with an absolutely beautiful sunset. :)

Gob Bless you!